Expand description
This crate contains the implementation of the proc macro attributes
pub use frompyobject::build_derive_from_pyobject;
pub use intopyobject::build_derive_into_pyobject;
pub use module::pymodule_function_impl;
pub use module::pymodule_module_impl;
pub use module::PyModuleOptions;
pub use pyclass::build_py_class;
pub use pyclass::build_py_enum;
pub use pyclass::PyClassArgs;
pub use pyfunction::build_py_function;
pub use pyfunction::PyFunctionOptions;
pub use pyimpl::build_py_methods;
pub use pyimpl::PyClassMethodsType;
pub use utils::get_doc;
- attributes ๐
- frompyobject ๐
- intopyobject ๐
- konst ๐
- method ๐
- module ๐
- Code generation for the function that initializes a python module and adds classes and function.
- params ๐
- pyclass ๐
- pyfunction ๐
- pyimpl ๐
- pymethod ๐
- pyversions ๐
- quotes ๐
- utils ๐