Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting

I'm experiencing deadlocks using PyO3 with lazy_static or once_cell!

lazy_static and once_cell::sync both use locks to ensure that initialization is performed only by a single thread. Because the Python GIL is an additional lock this can lead to deadlocks in the following way:

  1. A thread (thread A) which has acquired the Python GIL starts initialization of a lazy_static value.
  2. The initialization code calls some Python API which temporarily releases the GIL e.g. Python::import.
  3. Another thread (thread B) acquires the Python GIL and attempts to access the same lazy_static value.
  4. Thread B is blocked, because it waits for lazy_static's initialization to lock to release.
  5. Thread A is blocked, because it waits to re-aquire the GIL which thread B still holds.
  6. Deadlock.

PyO3 provides a struct GILOnceCell which works equivalently to OnceCell but relies solely on the Python GIL for thread safety. This means it can be used in place of lazy_static or once_cell where you are experiencing the deadlock described above. See the documentation for GILOnceCell for an example how to use it.

I can't run cargo test: I'm having linker issues like "Symbol not found" or "Undefined reference to _PyExc_SystemError"!

Currently, #341 causes cargo test to fail with linking errors when the extension-module feature is activated. For now you can work around this by making the extension-module feature optional and running the tests with cargo test --no-default-features:

version = "*"

extension-module = ["pyo3/extension-module"]
default = ["extension-module"]

Ctrl-C doesn't do anything while my Rust code is executing!

This is because Ctrl-C raises a SIGINT signal, which is handled by the calling Python process by simply setting a flag to action upon later. This flag isn't checked while Rust code called from Python is executing, only once control returns to the Python interpreter.

You can give the Python interpreter a chance to process the signal properly by calling Python::check_signals. It's good practice to call this function regularly if you have a long-running Rust function so that your users can cancel it.