Call Python functions from Rust

Want to run just an expression? Then use eval.

Python::eval is a method to execute a Python expression and returns the evaluated value as PyAny.

use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::IntoPyDict;

fn main() -> Result<(), ()> {
    let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
    let py = gil.python();
    let result = py.eval("[i * 10 for i in range(5)]", None, None).map_err(|e| {
    let res: Vec<i64> = result.extract().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(res, vec![0, 10, 20, 30, 40]);

Want to run statements? Then use run.

Python::run is a method to execute one or more Python statements. This method returns nothing, but you can get objects via locals dict.

You can also use the py_run! macro, which is a shorthand for Python::run. Since py_run! can cause panic, we recommend you to use this macro only for testing your Python extensions quickly.

use pyo3::{PyObjectProtocol, prelude::*, py_run};
#  fn main() {
struct UserData {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
impl UserData {
    fn as_tuple(&self) -> (u32, String) {
impl PyObjectProtocol for UserData {
    fn __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<String> {
        Ok(format!("User {}(id: {})",,
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let userdata = UserData {
    id: 34,
    name: "Yu".to_string(),
let userdata = PyRef::new(py, userdata).unwrap();
let userdata_as_tuple = (34, "Yu");
py_run!(py, userdata userdata_as_tuple, r#"
assert repr(userdata) == "User Yu(id: 34)"
assert userdata.as_tuple() == userdata_as_tuple
# }

You have a python file or Python function? Then use PyModule.

PyModule also can execute Python codes by calling a function.

use pyo3::{prelude::*, types::{IntoPyDict, PyModule}};
#  fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let activators = PyModule::from_code(py, "
def relu(x):
    return max(0.0, x)

def leaky_relu(x, slope=0.01):
    return x if x >= 0 else x * slope
", "", "activators")?;
let relu_result: f64 = activators.call1("relu", (-1.0,))?.extract()?;
assert_eq!(relu_result, 0.0);
let kwargs = [("slope", 0.2)].into_py_dict(py);
let lrelu_result: f64 = activators
    .call("leaky_relu", (-1.0,), Some(kwargs))?
assert_eq!(lrelu_result, -0.2);
# Ok(()) }