Trait pyo3::types::PyTypeMethods

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pub trait PyTypeMethods<'py>: Sealed {
    // Required methods
    fn as_type_ptr(&self) -> *mut PyTypeObject;
    fn name(&self) -> PyResult<Cow<'_, str>>;
    fn qualname(&self) -> PyResult<String>;
    fn is_subclass(&self, other: &Bound<'_, PyAny>) -> PyResult<bool>;
    fn is_subclass_of<T>(&self) -> PyResult<bool>
       where T: PyTypeInfo;
Expand description

Implementation of functionality for PyType.

These methods are defined for the Bound<'py, PyType> smart pointer, so to use method call syntax these methods are separated into a trait, because stable Rust does not yet support arbitrary_self_types.

Required Methods§


fn as_type_ptr(&self) -> *mut PyTypeObject

Retrieves the underlying FFI pointer associated with this Python object.


fn name(&self) -> PyResult<Cow<'_, str>>

Gets the full name, which includes the module, of the PyType.


fn qualname(&self) -> PyResult<String>

Gets the qualified name of the PyType.


fn is_subclass(&self, other: &Bound<'_, PyAny>) -> PyResult<bool>

Checks whether self is a subclass of other.

Equivalent to the Python expression issubclass(self, other).


fn is_subclass_of<T>(&self) -> PyResult<bool>
where T: PyTypeInfo,

Checks whether self is a subclass of type T.

Equivalent to the Python expression issubclass(self, T), if the type T is known at compile time.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<'py> PyTypeMethods<'py> for Bound<'py, PyType>