Appendix B: Migrating from older PyO3 versions

This guide can help you upgrade code through breaking changes from one PyO3 version to the next. For a detailed list of all changes, see

from 0.10.* to 0.11

Stable Rust

PyO3 now supports the stable Rust toolchain. The minimum required version is 1.39.0.

#[pyclass] structs must now be Send

Because #[pyclass] structs can be sent between threads by the Python interpreter, they must implement Send to guarantee thread safety. This bound was added in PyO3 0.11.0.

This may "break" some code which previously was accepted, even though it was unsound. To resolve this, consider using types like Arc instead of Rc, Mutex instead of RefCell, and add Send to any boxed closures stored inside the #[pyclass].


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

struct NotThreadSafe {
    shared_bools: Rc<RefCell<Vec<bool>>>,
    closure: Box<Fn()>


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

struct ThreadSafe {
    shared_bools: Arc<Mutex<Vec<bool>>>,
    closure: Box<Fn() + Send>

Or in situations where you cannot change your #[pyclass] to automatically implement Send (e.g., when it contains a raw pointer), you can use unsafe impl Send. In such cases, care should be taken to ensure the struct is actually thread safe. See the Rustnomicon for more.

All PyObject and Py<T> methods now take Python as an argument

Previously, a few methods such as Object::get_refcnt did not take Python as an argument (to ensure that the Python GIL was held by the current thread). Technically, this was not sound. To migrate, just pass a py argument to any calls to these methods.


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;

let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();



fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;

let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();


from 0.9.* to 0.10

ObjectProtocol is removed

All methods are moved to PyAny. And since now all native types (e.g., PyList) implements Deref<Target=PyAny>, all you need to do is remove ObjectProtocol from your code. Or if you use ObjectProtocol by use pyo3::prelude::*, you have to do nothing.


fn main() {
use pyo3::ObjectProtocol;

let gil = pyo3::Python::acquire_gil();
let obj = gil.python().eval("lambda: 'Hi :)'", None, None).unwrap();
let hi: &pyo3::types::PyString = obj.call0().unwrap().downcast().unwrap();
assert_eq!(hi.len().unwrap(), 5);


fn main() {
let gil = pyo3::Python::acquire_gil();
let obj = gil.python().eval("lambda: 'Hi :)'", None, None).unwrap();
let hi: &pyo3::types::PyString = obj.call0().unwrap().downcast().unwrap();
assert_eq!(hi.len().unwrap(), 5);

No #![feature(specialization)] in user code

While PyO3 itself still requires specialization and nightly Rust, now you don't have to use #![feature(specialization)] in your crate.

from 0.8.* to 0.9

#[new] interface

PyRawObject is now removed and our syntax for constructors has changed.


fn main() {
struct MyClass {}

impl MyClass {
   fn new(obj: &PyRawObject) {
       obj.init(MyClass { })


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
struct MyClass {}

impl MyClass {
   fn new() -> Self {
       MyClass {}

Basically you can return Self or Result<Self> directly. For more, see the constructor section of this guide.


PyO3 0.9 introduces PyCell, which is a RefCell-like object wrapper for ensuring Rust's rules regarding aliasing of references are upheld. For more detail, see the Rust Book's section on Rust's rules of references

For #[pymethods] or #[pyfunction]s, your existing code should continue to work without any change. Python exceptions will automatically be raised when your functions are used in a way which breaks Rust's rules of references.

Here is an example.

fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
struct Names {
    names: Vec<String>

impl Names {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Names { names: vec![] }
    fn merge(&mut self, other: &mut Names) {
        self.names.append(&mut other.names)
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let names = PyCell::new(py, Names::new()).unwrap();
let borrow_mut_err = py.get_type::<pyo3::pycell::PyBorrowMutError>();
pyo3::py_run!(py, names borrow_mut_err, r"
   assert False, 'Unreachable'
except RuntimeError as e:
   isinstance(e, borrow_mut_err)

Names has a merge method, which takes &mut self and another argument of type &mut Self. Given this #[pyclass], calling names.merge(names) in Python raises a PyBorrowMutError exception, since it requires two mutable borrows of names.

However, for #[pyproto] and some functions, you need to manually fix the code.

Object creation

In 0.8 object creation was done with PyRef::new and PyRefMut::new. In 0.9 these have both been removed. To upgrade code, please use PyCell::new instead. If you need PyRef or PyRefMut, just call .borrow() or .borrow_mut() on the newly-created PyCell.


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
struct MyClass {}
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let obj_ref = PyRef::new(py, MyClass {}).unwrap();


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
struct MyClass {}
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let obj = PyCell::new(py, MyClass {}).unwrap();
let obj_ref = obj.borrow();

Object extraction

For PyClass types T, &T and &mut T no longer have FromPyObject implementations. Instead you should extract PyRef<T> or PyRefMut<T>, respectively. If T implements Clone, you can extract T itself. In addition, you can also extract &PyCell<T>, though you rarely need it.


let obj: &PyAny = create_obj();
let obj_ref: &MyClass = obj.extract().unwrap();
let obj_ref_mut: &mut MyClass = obj.extract().unwrap();


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::IntoPyDict;
#[pyclass] #[derive(Clone)] struct MyClass {}
#[pymethods] impl MyClass { #[new]fn new() -> Self { MyClass {} }}
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let typeobj = py.get_type::<MyClass>();
let d = [("c", typeobj)].into_py_dict(py);
let create_obj = || py.eval("c()", None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let obj: &PyAny = create_obj();
let obj_cell: &PyCell<MyClass> = obj.extract().unwrap();
let obj_cloned: MyClass = obj.extract().unwrap(); // extracted by cloning the object
    let obj_ref: PyRef<MyClass> = obj.extract().unwrap();
    // we need to drop obj_ref before we can extract a PyRefMut due to Rust's rules of references
let obj_ref_mut: PyRefMut<MyClass> = obj.extract().unwrap();


Most of the arguments to methods in #[pyproto] impls require a FromPyObject implementation. So if your protocol methods take &T or &mut T (where T: PyClass), please use PyRef or PyRefMut instead.


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::class::PySequenceProtocol;
struct ByteSequence {
    elements: Vec<u8>,
impl PySequenceProtocol for ByteSequence {
    fn __concat__(&self, other: &Self) -> PyResult<Self> {
        let mut elements = self.elements.clone();
        Ok(Self { elements })


fn main() {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::class::PySequenceProtocol;
struct ByteSequence {
    elements: Vec<u8>,
impl PySequenceProtocol for ByteSequence {
    fn __concat__(&self, other: PyRef<'p, Self>) -> PyResult<Self> {
        let mut elements = self.elements.clone();
        Ok(Self { elements })