Supporting Free-Threaded CPython

CPython 3.13 introduces an experimental "free-threaded" build of CPython that does not rely on the global interpreter lock (often referred to as the GIL) for thread safety. As of version 0.23, PyO3 also has preliminary support for building Rust extensions for the free-threaded Python build and support for calling into free-threaded Python from Rust.

If you want more background on free-threaded Python in general, see the what's new entry in the CPython docs, the HOWTO guide for porting C extensions, and PEP 703, which provides the technical background for the free-threading implementation in CPython.

In the GIL-enabled build, the global interpreter lock serializes access to the Python runtime. The GIL is therefore a fundamental limitation to parallel scaling of multithreaded Python workflows, due to Amdahl's law, because any time spent executing a parallel processing task on only one execution context fundamentally cannot be sped up using parallelism.

The free-threaded build removes this limit on multithreaded Python scaling. This means it's much more straightforward to achieve parallelism using the Python threading module. If you have ever needed to use multiprocessing to achieve a parallel speedup for some Python code, free-threading will likely allow the use of Python threads instead for the same workflow.

PyO3's support for free-threaded Python will enable authoring native Python extensions that are thread-safe by construction, with much stronger safety guarantees than C extensions. Our goal is to enable "fearless concurrency" in the native Python runtime by building on the Rust Send and Sync traits.

This document provides advice for porting Rust code using PyO3 to run under free-threaded Python. While many simple PyO3 uses, like defining an immutable Python class, will likely work "out of the box", there are currently some limitations.

Many symbols exposed by PyO3 have GIL in the name

We are aware that there are some naming issues in the PyO3 API that make it awkward to think about a runtime environment where there is no GIL. We plan to change the names of these types to de-emphasize the role of the GIL in future versions of PyO3, but for now you should remember that the use of the term GIL in functions and types like with_gil and GILOnceCell is historical.

Instead, you can think about whether or not a Rust thread is attached to a Python interpreter runtime. See PEP 703 for more background about how threads can be attached and detached from the interpreter runtime, in a manner analagous to releasing and acquiring the GIL in the GIL-enabled build.

Calling into the CPython C API is only legal when an OS thread is explicitly attached to the interpreter runtime. In the GIL-enabled build, this happens when the GIL is acquired. In the free-threaded build there is no GIL, but the same C macros that release or acquire the GIL in the GIL-enabled build instead ask the interpreter to attach the thread to the Python runtime, and there can be many threads simultaneously attached.

The main reason for attaching to the Python runtime is to interact with Python objects or call into the CPython C API. To interact with the Python runtime, the thread must register itself by attaching to the interpreter runtime. If you are not yet attached to the Python runtime, you can register the thread using the [Python::with_gil] function. Threads created via the Python threading module do not not need to do this, but all other OS threads that interact with the Python runtime must explicitly attach using with_gil and obtain a 'py liftime.

In the GIL-enabled build, PyO3 uses the Python<'py> type and the 'py lifetime to signify that the global interpreter lock is held. In the freethreaded build, holding a 'py lifetime means the thread is currently attached to the Python interpreter but other threads might be simultaneously interacting with the Python runtime.

Since there is no GIL in the free-threaded build, releasing the GIL for long-running tasks is no longer necessary to ensure other threads run, but you should still detach from the interpreter runtime using [Python::allow_threads] when doing long-running tasks that do not require the CPython runtime. The garbage collector can only run if all threads are detached from the runtime (in a stop-the-world state), so detaching from the runtime allows freeing unused memory.

Exceptions and panics for multithreaded access of mutable pyclass instances

Data attached to pyclass instances is protected from concurrent access by a RefCell-like pattern of runtime borrow checking. Like a RefCell, PyO3 will raise exceptions (or in some cases panic) to enforce exclusive access for mutable borrows. It was always possible to generate panics like this in PyO3 in code that releases the GIL with allow_threads or caling a pymethod accepting &self from a &mut self (see the docs on interior mutability,) but now in free-threaded Python there are more opportunities to trigger these panics from Python because there is no GIL to lock concurrent access to mutably borrowed data from Python.

The most straightforward way to trigger this problem to use the Python threading module to simultaneously call a rust function that mutably borrows a pyclass. For example, consider the following PyClass implementation:

# use pyo3::prelude::*;
# fn main() {
struct ThreadIter {
    count: usize,

impl ThreadIter {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    fn __next__(&mut self, py: Python<'_>) -> usize {
        self.count += 1;
# }

And then if we do something like this in Python:

import concurrent.futures
from my_module import ThreadIter

i = ThreadIter()

def increment():

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as tpe:
    futures = [tpe.submit(increment) for _ in range(100)]
    [f.result() for f in futures]

We will see an exception:

Traceback (most recent call last)
  File "", line 5, in <module>
RuntimeError: Already borrowed

We plan to allow user-selectable semantics for mutable pyclass definitions in PyO3 0.24, allowing some form of opt-in locking to emulate the GIL if that is needed.

GILProtected is not exposed

GILProtected is a PyO3 type that allows mutable access to static data by leveraging the GIL to lock concurrent access from other threads. In free-threaded Python there is no GIL, so you will need to replace this type with some other form of locking. In many cases, a type from std::sync::atomic or a std::sync::Mutex will be sufficient.


fn main() {
#[cfg(not(Py_GIL_DISABLED))] {
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::sync::GILProtected;
use pyo3::types::{PyDict, PyNone};
use std::cell::RefCell;

static OBJECTS: GILProtected<RefCell<Vec<Py<PyDict>>>> =

Python::with_gil(|py| {
    // stand-in for something that executes arbitrary Python code
    let d = PyDict::new(py);
    d.set_item(PyNone::get(py), PyNone::get(py)).unwrap();


use pyo3::prelude::*;
fn main() {
use pyo3::types::{PyDict, PyNone};
use std::sync::Mutex;

static OBJECTS: Mutex<Vec<Py<PyDict>>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());

Python::with_gil(|py| {
    // stand-in for something that executes arbitrary Python code
    let d = PyDict::new(py);
    d.set_item(PyNone::get(py), PyNone::get(py)).unwrap();
    // as with any `Mutex` usage, lock the mutex for as little time as possible
    // in this case, we do it just while pushing into the `Vec`

If you are executing arbitrary Python code while holding the lock, then you will need to use conditional compilation to use GILProtected on GIL-enabled Python builds and mutexes otherwise. If your use of GILProtected does not guard the execution of arbitrary Python code or use of the CPython C API, then conditional compilation is likely unnecessary since GILProtected was not needed in the first place and instead Rust mutexes or atomics should be preferred. Python 3.13 introduces PyMutex, which releases the GIL while the waiting for the lock, so that is another option if you only need to support newer Python versions.